LET.IT.BE - Laboratório de Ecologia Teórica: Integrando Tempo, Biologia e Espaço
Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, campus Sorocaba
62. Moroti, M.T., Skeels, A., da Silva, F.R. & Provete, D.B. 2024. Climate interacts with diversification rate in determining species richness and trait diversity of tetrapods in a global hotspot. Journal of Biogeography, 51: 2484-2497. PDF
61. da Silva, F.R., Oliveira-Silva, A.E., Antonelli, A., Carnaval, A.C. & Provete, D.B. 2024. Zoogeographical regions in the Atlantic Forest: Patterns and potential drivers. Journal of Biogeography, 51(10):1852-1863. PDF Data and R Script used in this study
60. Breviglieri, C.P.B. & da Silva, F.R. 2024. Fallen trees as natural bridges for the movement of mammals crossing rivers. Biotropica, 56(3): e13305 PDF
59. Maure, L.A., Diniz, M.F., Pacheco-Coelho. M.T., Molin, P.G., da Silva, F.R. & Hasui, E. 2023. Biodiversity and carbon conservation under the ecosystem stability of tropical forests. Journal of Environmental Management 345, 118929. PDF
58. Butolo, M.J.M., Breviglieri, C.P.B. & da Silva, F.R. 2023. The efficacy of performing field surveys during the dry and rainy seasons to estimate species richness and composition of local bat assemblages. Austral Ecology, 48, 1083-1091. PDF
57. Sánchez-Domene, D., da Silva, F.R., Provete, D. B., Navarrro-Lozano, A., Acayaba, R. D., Montagner, C. C., Rossa-Feres, D. C., López-Iborra, G. M. & Almeida, E. A. 2023. Combined effects of landscape composition and agrochemicals on frog communities amid sugarcane-dominated agroecosystems. Ecological Applications 33(2), e2781. PDF
56. Breviglieri, C.P.B. & da Silva, F.R. 2023. Substrate-gleaning: plasticity in the foraging and echolocation behaviour of the bat, Molossus molossus. Ecology 104(1), e3849 PDF
55. Haddad, C.F.B., Lopes, C.M., Becker, G., da Silva, F.R. & Lyra, M. L. 2022. From genes to ecosystems: a synthesis for amphibian biodiversity in Brazil. Biota Neotropica 22(spe): e20221375 PDF
54. Carvalho-Sposito, S.H., Urso-Guimarães, M.V. & da Silva, F.R. 2022. Temporal resource partitioning and stochastic colonization explain the co-occurrence of gall-inducing insects in the super-host plant Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. (Fabaceae). Austral Ecology, 47(6):1340-1349 PDF
53. da Silva, F.R., Gonçalves-Souza, T., Paterno, G.B., Provete, D.B. & Vancine, M. H. 2022. Análises Ecológicas no R. 1. ed. Recife: NUPPEA-Canal 6. 626p. SITE PDF - Ebook
52. Maure, L.A., Diniz, M.F., Coelho, M.T.P., Oliveira, M.P.S., Ribeiro, M.C., da Silva, F.R. & Hasui, E. 2022. Predicting resilience and stability of early second-growth forests. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(4):477-491 PDF
51. Oliveira-Silva, A.E., Piratelli, A.J., Zurell, D. & da Silva, F.R. 2022. Vegetation cover restricts habitat suitability predictions of endemic Brazilian Atlantic Forest birds. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 20(1):1-8. PDF
50. Calpa-Anaguano, E.V., Graham, C.H. & da Silva, F.R. 2021. Pleistocene climate oscillations and habitat connectivity contributed to avian beta-diversity in the megadiverse Colombian Paramo ecosystems. Journal of Biogeography, 48(12):3004-3015. PDF
49. Gomes-Mello, F., Provete, D.B., Heino, J. & da Silva, F.R. 2021. Frog community composition-environment relationships vary over time: are snapshot studies of metacommunity dynamics useful? Basic and Applied Ecology, 56:85-96 PDF
48. da Silva, F.R. & Breviglieri, C.P.B. 2021. Not only a listener: female frog-biting midges (Corethrellidae) also distinguish the shape of frogs. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 37(3):157-160 PDF
47. Benício, R.A., Provete, D.B., Lyra, M. L., Heino, J., Haddad, C.F.B., Rossa-Feres, D.C. & da Silva, F.R. 2021. Differential speciation rates, colonization time, and niche conservatism affect community assembly across adjacent biogeographical regions. Journal of Biogeography, 48(9):2211-2225 PDF
46. Annibale, F.S., Sousa, V.T.T., da Silva, F.R. & Murphy, C.G. 2020. Geographic variation in the acoustic signals of Dendropsophus nanus (Boulenger, 1889) (Anura: Hylidae). Herpetologica, 76(3):267-277 PDF
45. Vasconcelos, T.S., da Silva, F.R., dos Santos, T.G., Prado, V.H.M. & Provete, D.B. 2019. Biogeographic Patterns of South America Anurans. 1º ed. Springer International Publishing, 149p.
44. Toscano, N.P., Freitas, N.H.A., Rezende, M.R.C., Provete, D.B., Lyra, M.L., Haddad, C.F.B., Rossa-Feres, D.C. & da Silva, F.R. 2019. The external morphology and internal oral features of the tadpole of Crossodactylus caramaschii (Anura: Hylodidae). Journal of Herpetology , 53(4): 263-271 PDF
43. Becker-Kerber, B., da Silva, F.R., Amorim, K.B., Pacheco, M.L.A.F. & Leme, J.M. 2019. Putting the cart before the horse: An example of how the lack of taphonomical approaches can mislead paleobiological inferences for the late Ediacaran. Precambrian Research, 332: 105385 PDF
42. Breviglieri, C.P.B., Romero, G.Q., Mega, A.C.G. & da Silva, F.R. 2019. Are Cecropia trees ecosystem engineers? The effect of decomposing Cecropia leaves on arthropod communities. Biotropica, 51: 552-571 PDF
41. Tavares, H.N. & da Silva, F.R. 2019. Species turnover drives the spatial distribution of frog beta diversity in farmland ponds. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 4:199-202 PDF
40. Gouveia, S.F., Bovo, R.P., Rubalcaba, J.G., da Silva, F.R., Maciel, N.M., Andrade, D.V. & Martinez, P.A. 2019. Biophysical modeling of water economy can explain the geographic gradient of body size in anurans. The American Naturalist, 193:51-58 PDF
39. Gonçalves-Souza, T.; Provete, D.B.; Garey, M.V.; da Silva, F.R. & Albuquerque, U.P. 2018. Going back to basics: How to master the art of making scientifically sound questions. In: Albuquerque, U.P.; Lucena, R.F.P.; Cruz da Cunha, L.V.F. & Nóbrega Alves, R.R. (Org). Methods and techniques in ethnobiology and ethnoecology. 2ed. Springer, p 71-86.
38. Gonçalves-Souza, T.; Garey, M.V.; da Silva, F.R.; Albuquerque, U.P. & Provete, D.B. 2018. Multidimensional analyses for testing ecological, ethnobiological, and conservation hypotheses. In: Albuquerque, U.P.; Lucena, R.F.P.; Cruz da Cunha, L.V.F. & Nóbrega Alves, R.R. (Org). Methods and techniques in ethnobiology and ethnoecology. 2ed. Springer, p 111-125.
37. Sánchez-Domene, D., Navarro-Lozano, A., Acayaba, R., Picheli, K., Montagner. C., Rossa-Feres, D., da Silva, F.R. & Almeida, E.A. 2018. Eye malformation baseline in Scinax fuscovarius larvae populations that inhabit agroecosystem ponds in southern Brazil. Amphibia-Reptilia, PDF
36. Dornelas, M., Antão, L.H.. Moyes, F. et al. 2018. BioTIME: A dataset of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27:760-786. PDF
35. Godinho, M.B.C.. & da Silva, F.R. 2018. The influence of riverine barriers, climate, and topography on the biogeographic regionalization of Amazonian anurans. Scientific Reports, 8:3427. PDF
34. Benício, R.A. & da Silva, F.R. 2017. Notes on an unusual position of calling site of Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) (Anura:Hylidae), northeastern São Paulo, Brazil. Herpetology Notes, 10:421-423 PDF
33. da Silva, F.R., Provete, D.B., Gerassi, L.K. & Bovo, R.P. 2017. What do data from fieldwork and scientific collections tell us about species richness and composition of amphibians and reptiles?. South American Journal of Herpetology, 12(2):99-106 PDF
32. da Silva, F.R., Lyra, M.L., Haddad, C.F.B. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2017. Expanding the knowledge about the occurrence of anurans in the highest amphibian diversity area of Atlantic Forest: Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 17(2):1-13. PDF
31. Melchior, L.G., Rossa-Feres, D.C. & da Silva, F.R. 2017. Evaluating multiple spatial scales to understand the distribution of anuran beta diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecology and Evolution, 7(7):2403-2413. PDF
30. Benício, R.A. & da Silva, F.R. 2017. Rhinella schneideri (Cururu Toad). Ectoparasitism. Herpetological Review, 48(1), Natural History Notes, 170-171. PDF
29. Benício, R.A. & da Silva, F.R. 2017. Amphibians of Vassununga State Park, one of the last remnants of semideciduous Atlantic Forest and Cerrado in northeastern São Paulo state, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 17(1):1-7. PDF
28. da Silva, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2017. Fragmentation gradients differentially affect the species range distributions of four taxonomic groups in semi-deciduous Atlantic forest. Biotropica, 49(3):283-292. PDF
* Este artigo foi selecionado em 2022 para um volume especial 54(3) intitulado: "Insights from a landscape ecological perspective for tropical biology and conservation".
* This article was selected in 2022 for a special volume 54(3) entitled: "Insights from a landscape ecological perspective for tropical biology and conservation".
27. da Silva, F.R., Provete, D.B. & Hawkins, B.A. 2016. Range maps and checklists provide similar estimates of taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha diversity, but less so for beta diversity, of Brazilian Atlantic Forest anurans. Natureza & Conservação, 14:99-105. PDF
26. Queiroz, C.S., da Silva, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2015. The relationship between pond habitat depth and functional tadpole diversity in an agricultural landscape. Royal Society Open Science. PDF
25. Boaratti, A.Z. & da Silva, F.R. 2015. Relationships between environmental gradients and geographic variation in the intraspecific body size of three species of frogs (Anura). Austral Ecology, 40:869-876. PDF
24. da Silva, F.R., Almeida-Neto, M. & Arena, M.V.N. 2014. Amphibian beta diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: contrasting the roles of historical events and contemporary conditions at different spatial scales. PLOS ONE. PDF Data used in the paper
23. Vasconcelos, T.S.; Prado, V.H.M.; da Silva, F.R. & Haddad, C.F.B. 2014. Biogeographic distribution patterns and their correlates in the diverse frog fauna of the Atlantic Forest hotspot. PLOS ONE. PDF
22. Castanho, L.M.; da Silva, F.R.; Camargo, P. & Mendes, C.V.M. 2014. Herpetofauna do Município de Sorocaba In: Biodiversidade do Município de Sorocaba. 1 ed. Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, v.1, p. 173-180.
21. da Silva, F.R. 2013. Populações tradicionais e conservação In: Conservação da Biodiversidade: dos conceitos às ações. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro : Technical Books, v.1, p. 185-194.
20. da Silva, F.R.; Almeida-Neto, M.; Prado, V.H.M.; Haddad, C.F.B. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2012. Humidity levels drives reproductive modes and phylogenetic diversity of amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1720-1732. PDF
19. Provete, D.B.; Garey, M.V.; da Silva, F.R. & Jordani, M.X. 2012. Knowledge gaps and bibliographical revison about descriptions of free-swimming anuran larvae from Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 8 (2). PDF
18. da Silva, F.R.; Candeira, C.P. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2012. Dependence of anuran diversity on environmental descriptors in farmland ponds. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21:1411-1424. PDF
17. da Silva, F.R.; Oliveira, T.A.L.; Gibbs, J.P. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2012. An experimental assessment of landscape configuration effects on frog and toad abundance and diversity in tropical agro-savannah of southeastern Brazil. Landscape Ecology, 27: 87-96. PDF
16. Rossa-Feres, D.C.; Prado, V.H.M.; da Silva, F.R. & Almeida, H.J. 2012. Diversidade de anuros em fragmentos florestais na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo. In: Orlando Necchi Junior (Org). Fauna e flora de fragmentos florestais remanescentes da região noroeste do estado de São Paulo. 1ed. Ribeirão Preto, Holos, p 207-222.
15. Rossa-Feres, D.C.; da Silva, F.R.; Casatti, L.; Necchi Jr, O.; Castilho-Noll, M.S.M.; Feres, R.J.F.; Noll, F.B.; Ranga, N.T. & Rezende, A.A. 2012. Padrões de distribuição da riqueza e abundância de espécies de diversos grupos animais e vegetais em fragmentos florestais remanescentes na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo. In: Orlando Necchi Junior (Org). Fauna e flora de fragmentos florestais remanescentes da região noroeste do estado de São Paulo. 1ed. Ribeirão Preto, Holos, p 263-279.
14. da Silva, F.R.; Gibbs, J.P. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2011. Breeding habitat and landscape correlates of frog diversity and abundance in tropical agricultural landscape of southeastern Brazil. Wetlands, 31: 1079-1087. PDF
13. da Silva, F.R.; Prado, V.H.M. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2011. Value of small forest fragments to amphibians. Science, 332: 1033. PDF
12. Provete, D.B.; Garey, M.V.; da SILVA, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2011. Anuranfauna from northwestern region of the state of São Paulo: species list and taxonomic key for adults. Biota Neotropica, 11(2): 377-391. PDF
11. Nomura, F.; Prado, V.H.M.; da SILVA, F.R.; Borges, R.E.; Dias, N.Y.N. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2011. Are you experienced? Predator type and predator experience trade-offs in relation to tadpole mortality rates. Journal of Zoolgy (1987), 284: 144-150. PDF
10. da SILVA, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2011. Influence of terrestrial habitat isolation on the diversity and temporal distribution of anurans in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 27: 327-331. PDF
9. da SILVA, F.R.; Prado, V.H.M. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2010. Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Dendropsophus melanargyreus (Cope, 1887): Distribution extension, new state record and geographic distribution map. Check List, 6: 402-404. PDF
8. da SILVA, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2010. Diet of anurans (Amphibia, Anura) captured in the interior of forest remnants. Revista Española de Herpetología, 24: 5-17. PDF
7. da SILVA, F.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2010. Seasonal variation in body size of tropical anuran amphibians. Herpetology Notes, 3: 205-209. PDF
6. da SILVA, F.R. 2010. Evaluation of survey methods for sampling anuran species richness in the Neotropics. South American Journal of Herpetology, 5: 212-220. PDF
5. da SILVA, F.R.; Prado, V.H.M.; Vasconcelos, T.S.; Santos, T.G. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2009. Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae, Chiasmocleis albopunctata: Filling gap and geographic distribution map. Check List, 5: 314-316. PDF
4. Prado. V.H.M.; da SILVA, F.R.; Dias, N.Y.N.; Pires, J.S.R. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2009. Anura, Estação Ecológica Jataí, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Check List, 5: 595-502. PDF
3. SILVA, F.R.; Santos, R.S.; Nunes, M.A. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2009. Anuran captured in pitfall traps in three agrossystem in northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 9: 253-255. PDF
2. Prado, V.H.M.; Borges, R.E.; da SILVA, F.R.; Tognolo, T.T. & Rossa-Feres, D.C. 2008. Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusa azurea: Distribution extension. Check List, 4: 55-56. PDF
1. SILVA, F.R. & Rossa-Feres. D.C. 2007. Uso de fragmentos florestais por anuros (Amphibia) de área aberta na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Biota Neotropica, 7: 141-147. PDF
LET.IT.BE. - Laboratório de Ecologia Teórica: Integrando Tempo, Biologia e Espaço